Tuesday, March 02, 2010

wedding bells, books, and bliss...

Thank goodness we set a date for our wedding or I would have never gotten it all planned.  I still haven't tied up the ends on a few projects to archive the best day of my life thus far.  I'm convinced the unfinished project is the woe of artists everywhere.  My creative mind is just too easily distracted.  Just tonight B was telling me that I unload the dishwasher "all wrong" (What?  You mean most people don't put one knife away, clean the stove, grab something to eat, put a bowl away, put another knife away, then get distracted by a plate on the stove again?)  I just find his orderliness constricting.... :)

So last night I rolled up my sleeves and invaded the hubby's tidy study space:

Poor guy.  Note the Swiffer Sweeper I bought at Target and just couldn't seem to put away before I started creating.  Anyway, I LOVE the board books that you can find at Scrapbooking stores and found a nifty one that comes in a cute little box before we got married.  Hopefully it will soon be a coffee table conversation piece, but I spent so much time decorating the box and cover that I'm only now getting to the pages.

Here's the box:

Pretty darling, huh?  And here's the book:

... and page one, which is all I got to last night.  I {think} it's done, but who knows!

One of my favorite things to do when creating is use {old} things in {new} places.  Scrapbooking makes that so easy since the whole idea is to use paper scraps, knick knacks and photos to tell a story.  My favorite recycles in this book so far are the label on the outside of the box, which I made using my grandma's delightful old typewriter AND the "me and you" gift tag/photo which is actually just an extra from a set of blank greeting cards I bought awhile back and didn't need.  I found it as I was rummaging through my things to get some up and knew I could find a home for it!


  1. I'm really glad that you're in my family....enough said! :)

  2. I absolutely love Megan's cake....Actually, I love it all!! Mom
